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Allusion Riddles (riddles About Allusions)

xổ số miền nam hôm nay 2023年11月06日 23:09 26 admin

1. Riddles about allusions

A. In the Ming Dynasty, when Zhu Yuanzhang was the corrupt official, it was difficult for people to get a fair trial if they had grievances. There was a poor scholar who failed to pass the exam for three years and his family land was occupied by the officials. He had nowhere to redress his grievances and it was impossible to file a lawsuit. Finally, he Thinking of a way to let the Grand Master know his grievances, he came up with such a riddle for others to guess. Since it was difficult to spread throughout the world quickly, it was passed into the hands of the Grand Master. After reading it, the Grand Master called him in and asked if you have any. What resentment? He told all his grievances. Corrupt officials were beheaded, but they still didn't understand how the scholar filed the imperial edict. Later, the fans revealed all the secrets, all in that poem: What car has no wheels? : In ancient times, farmers plowed the fields, and what was pulled behind the oxen was called a plow. The plow was used to open up wasteland. At that time, people called "qidi" to open up wasteland, so "qi", "tong" and "begging" represent begging. What does it mean that a pig has no mouth? : This naturally represents the Grand Master himself, and the pig represents the red character. It is said that the Grand Master rarely expresses condolences on state affairs, so why is a donkey hairless like a mouthless person? : It also represents the Taishu himself. The Taishu used to be a monk. He made friends with virtuous people and had the world at heart. Comparing this sentence with the sentence above shows that the Taishu should be in charge of state affairs. Therefore, the word represented by this sentence is The word 'Wei' means that the Grand Master should do something.

Hewuwumen: The word "wukong" is connected with the word "wu", which represents the scholar himself. Heshuwumen: The ancient imperial edicts were all read by eunuchs, and the eunuchs did not know the characters at all. Therefore, the edicts were conveyed orally. Therefore, this The word represented by this sentence is "Zhao" He Hua Wu Ye: This is very simple. What everyone will think of is snowflakes. This sentence represents the word "Snow". So, the whole sentence together is "Begging Zhu for me to Zhao Xue". Erudite people should be counted as scholars, and no one in the future will not be impressed by them. B. Walking like a cart without wheels, walking like a cart means walking, walking is homophonic with Zhu; Hai originally means pig, and the shape of the character has no mouth. It can be said that the pig has no wheels. Mouth, Hai is an earthly branch, and combined with the heavenly stems, it can be used to record the year. Year is homophonic to you, and Hai ranks twelve among the earthly branches. Twelve is homophonic to Shi'er, which means you. A bald donkey has no hair, and a bald donkey can refer to a monk. A monk is a monk, and monk is a homonym for sheng; a thousand-year house has no door, and a thousand-year house is a coffin, and coffin is a homonym for official; the heavenly book has no words, and the heavenly book can be understood as a book written by the emperor, that is, an imperial edict, which is equivalent to "law", and the word "fa" is a homonym for "fa". "The wonderful pen produces flowers without leaves. The wonderful pen produces flowers" refers to a person's literary talent, that is, talent, which is a homonym for wealth. Therefore, it can be combined into one sentence: I wish you promotion and wealth.

C. (wind) wheelless (rain) beads (harmonious pig) mouthless (bald) donkey hairless (noon) (harmonious house) doorless (tung) tree (harmonious book) wordless (heart) flower without leaves In the wind and rain, the hearts of the tung trees are harmonious. On the way to the wind and rain, the hearts are in harmony. What car has no wheels: My (my) car has no wheels. My car didn't have wheels to begin with, so I had the wheels removed, but I didn't have the money to buy new wheels, so I had to put them in the warehouse.

He Zhu has no mouth: Dwarf (love) bamboo has no mouth. Dwarf bamboo is what we call asparagus bamboo.

It's just a plant, where does the mouth come from? He donkey has no hair: Mud (you) donkey has no hair. Everyone knows.

What house has no door: Ant (1) The house has no door. The ant's home is a hole with no door.

He book has no words: Wanshu (book) has no words. How many trees have no words on them?

What flowers have no leaves: New Year pictures (flowers) have no leaves. It's just a New Year picture and has nothing to do with leaves.

So the answer is: I love you for ten thousand years. E. "Rat likes rice" What car has no wheels: Old car has no wheels.

When a car is old, it needs to be dismantled. To dismantle a car, the wheels are removed first, probably because there is rubber on the wheels and they can be recycled. Of course there are no wheels either.

He Zhu has no mouth: Purple (child) bamboo (pig), a kind of plant. Not an animal, certainly without a mouth.

The son of a pig is a rat. Anyone who has studied the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches knows this.

He donkey has no hair: tin donkey has no hair. why? Wuxi was rich in metallic tin in ancient times. Northerners used donkeys to transport tin ore and made huge profits.

However, donkeys often live in tin mines and are easily poisoned by tin, causing all their hair to fall off. It is common for donkeys carrying tin to be hairless.

This is because the donkey is hairless. Hewu has no door: The fantasy (huan) house has no door.

The Diamond Sutra is cited. He Shu has no words: Uncle has no words.

Uncle is the name in rural areas. Generally speaking, uncles only have names, and they don't learn how to use "characters", "numbers" and other messy things like literati.

Why flowers have no leaves: Rice flowers have no leaves. Everyone knows.

Popcorn is edible, not a plant. To sum it up, mice like rice.

An intellectual question: What is Rice’s boyfriend? Ji, an ice cart has no wheels, a braised pig has no mouth, a soy sauce donkey has no hair, a burning house has no door, sheep books have no characters (sheep cannot write characters or foreign books have letters without Chinese characters), and hoof flowers have no leaves. The combination is "roasted lamb trotters with ice braised sauce", which is a famous dish.

Geng, He Che has no wheels: (Xiang) refers to the rook in chess. The so-called chariot has no wheels and the horse has no reins. Xiangtongxiang.

He Zhu has no mouth: (only) a spider. The ancients believed that spiders have no mouth. He donkey has no hair: (stupid) stupid donkey refers to someone who curses. Here, only donkeys have hair, which is the meaning of the word.

Hewu has no door: (Bird) The bird's house has no door, because the bird's nest faces the sky. He Shu has no words: (first) here the book means writing, which means that of course there are no words before it is written.

He Hua has no leaves: (Flying) Falling leaves and flying flowers, so flying flowers have no leaves. Reference:.

2. Find some idioms, allusions and riddles

During the Spring and Autumn Period when he retreated to Sanshe, Duke Xian of Jin believed the slander and killed Prince Shen Sheng. He also sent people to capture Shen Sheng's younger brother Chong'er.

After hearing the news, Chong'er escaped from Jin and lived in exile for more than ten years. Chong'er came to Chu State.

King Cheng of Chu thought that Chong'er would do great things in the future, so he welcomed him with the courtesy of a nation and treated him like a distinguished guest. One day, the King of Chu hosted a banquet for Chong'er. The two drank and talked in a very harmonious atmosphere.

Suddenly the King of Chu asked Chong'er: "If you return to Jin one day and become the king, how will you repay me?" Chong'er thought for a while and said: "You have beautiful women to serve, precious silks, precious bird feathers, ivory and animal skins. The land of Chu is rich in products. How can the Jin Kingdom have any rare items to offer to the king?" The King of Chu said: "Young Master is too modest. Although you say this, you should show me something, right?" Chong'er replied with a smile. : "It's only thanks to you.

If I can really return to my country and take charge, I would like to be friendly with your country. If one day a war breaks out between Jin and Chu, I will definitely order the army to retreat three hectares (one hectare is equal to thirty miles). If I still cannot get your forgiveness, I will fight you again. "

Four years later, Chong'er really returned to Jin and became the king. He was the famous Duke Wen of Jin in history. The Jin State became increasingly powerful under his governance.

In 633 BC, the armies of Chu and Jin met in battle. In order to fulfill his promise, Duke Wen of Jin ordered the army to retreat ninety miles and stationed in Chengpu.

When the Chu army saw the Jin army retreating, they thought the Jin army was afraid and immediately pursued it. The Jin army took advantage of the Chu army's weakness of being arrogant and underestimating the enemy, concentrated its forces, defeated the Chu army, and won the battle of Chengpu.

The story comes from "Zuo Zhuan·The Twenty-Two Years of Duke Xi". The idiom "to retreat" means not to fight with others or to take the initiative to give in.

Forgetting sleep and food [Idiom story] Confucius, whose name was Qiu and whose courtesy name was Zhongni, was a thinker, politician and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period. He was the founder of Confucianism. When Confucius was old, he began to travel around the world.

When he was sixty-four years old, he came to Yeyi, Chu State (near today's Ye County, Henan Province). Shen Zhuliang, a doctor in Ye County, warmly received Confucius.

Shen Zhuliang was known as Ye Gong. He had only heard that Confucius was a famous thinker and politician who taught many outstanding students. He did not know much about Confucius himself, so he asked Confucius's student Zilu about Confucius' personality. Although Zilu had followed Confucius for many years, he didn't know how to answer and remained silent.

Later, Confucius knew about this and said to Zilu: "Why don't you answer him: 'Confucius is a man. He studies hard and never gets tired of it. He even forgets to eat. He enjoys teaching and preaching without worrying. Suffering from poverty and suffering; constantly striving for self-improvement, even forgetting one's own age.' What about this?" Confucius's words show that he lived a very fulfilling life because of his lofty ideals.

The riddle has only 125, no 3 and 4, and it is RMB for food, clothing, housing and transportation. There are 1 (hundreds of dimes), 2, and 5 (hundreds of dimes), but not 3 and 4.

Hit a plant with your finger against the wall and answer wisteria (it hurts). If you don’t fight, you won’t know each other (guess one or two words of title). Answer: As the comrades say (guess a traffic expression). Answer: Timetable (traffic light). Losing for the first time (guess a common saying). Answer: A defeated son turns around (a bad start). Hometown. Changed (guess one or five words) Answer: The place where I was born is not familiar with grass (guess two foods) Answer: Tea powder and Qiaotou are looking forward to every day (guess a phrase for a time) Answer: Date Qunfang Pu (guess one food) Answer: Hanamaki Fairy Fruit (beat one food) Answer: Tianfu Peanut Go (beat one food) Answer: Steamed Bun Swirl (beat one supplies) Answer: Qufa Shui (curly hair water) Never Forget the Origin (a three-character title for freshman) Answer: Old Secretary.

3. Celebrity word guessing stories

Qin Shaoyou is a famous poet in the Northern Song Dynasty.

One day, he was shocked to hear that his mother had passed away. He was so sad that he immediately returned to his hometown by boat. The boat was sailing in the middle of the river, and the water was surging. A flock of seagulls circled the ship, whining loudly. Qin Shaoyou was moved by the scene and chanted casually: "A big ship with two masts, nine seagulls flying around the ship, six resting on the masts, two falling on the bow and stern of the ship, and the remaining one was alone, falling on the deck and crying."

These lines of poetry not only describe Qin Shaoyou's mood at that time, but also happen to be an anagram.

The answer is sadness.

Extended information:

Word puzzle history:

In crossword puzzles, there are riddle makers and riddle guessers. As the name suggests, the riddle makers make artificial riddles. The riddles must be clever, and then the riddle guessers solve them. It has a long history in China, is widely spread, has many types and endless changes.

It is popular among literati and has also been used in political struggles and prophecies. In modern times, crossword puzzles are more popular among the people as a higher-level entertainment activity and are loved by the masses.

4. Are there any historical allusions to lantern riddles?

Mystery 1: Xiao He strongly recommended generals, and Pan An drove out of Luoyang Road.

(Six-character idiom) Riddle 2: Li Bai sunk into the river to embrace the moon, and Qu Yuan threw himself into the river to serve his country. (Play four-character sports) Mystery 3: King Zhou favored Daji, and King You played with the princes.

(Tick one idiom) Riddle 4: Han Xin ambushes from all sides (Tick one name of the person in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms") Riddle 5: Join the army and imitate the ancients (Tick three-character school idiom) Riddle 6: Cao Cao finished reading Chen Linxi (Tick one three-character Chinese patent medicine name) Riddle 7: The Chenqiao mutiny is suspicious (guess the three-character name of the monster from "Journey to the West"). Mystery 8: What did Baqiao give him when he said goodbye? (Hit a name of a person from the Spring and Autumn Period.) Mystery 9: The king hid his face and could not be saved. (Hit an idiom.) Mystery 10: Who knows the sound in the high mountains and flowing water (name a person from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms") The mystery: Xiao He strongly recommended generals, and Pan An drove out of Luoyang Road. (Make a six-character idiom) Answer: Be true to your word, and be resolute in your deeds. Analysis: Xiao He recommended Han Xin to Liu Bang, and Liu Bang worshiped Han Xin as his general; Pan An was so handsome that even the old woman was fascinated by him when he drove on the street. Throw fruits into Pan An's car until the car is full.

"Xin" can be interpreted as "Hanji", and "Guo" can be interpreted as "fruit". Mystery: Li Bai sank into the river to embrace the moon, while Qu Yuan threw himself into the river to serve his country.

(Four-character sports) Answer: Double diving Analysis: There have always been different opinions about Li Bai's death. The theory of drowning is very romantic. It is said that Li Bai was drinking on the Dangtu River, jumped into the water to catch the moon due to drunkenness, and drowned, which is consistent with the poet's character. Very consistent. Mystery: King Zhou favored Daji, and King You played with the princes.

(Hit an idiom) Answer: gloating over misfortune Analysis: King Zhou of Shang favored Daji, which led to the disaster of the demise of the Shang Dynasty; King You of Zhou played tricks on the princes in order to please his concubine, thus burying the disaster of the fall of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Mystery: Han Xin's House of Flying Daggers (name a person from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms") Answer: Guan Yu Analysis: During the Chu-Han conflict, Han Xin led an army of 300,000 to join Peng Yue's army and besieged Xiang Yu in Gaixia, adopting the tactic of House of Flying Daggers. He forced Xiang Yu to commit suicide in Wujiang River and achieved a decisive victory.

"Guan Yu" is another interpretation of "Besieging Xiang Yu". Riddle: Throw a pen and join the army to imitate the ancients (a three-character school term) Answer: Preschool Analysis: The idiom "throw a pen and join the army" comes from "The Book of the Later Han·Biography". Ban Chao copied books for the government to earn money to support his family due to his poverty. Suddenly one day, he felt like copying Writing was a waste of life, so I gave up writing and joined the army. Later, Ban Chao made great contributions to the Western Regions.

; "Pre-school" can be interpreted as "learning from the ambitions of previous class leaders". Riddle: After Cao Cao read Chen Linxi (a three-character Chinese patent medicine name), the answer: Jingfengsan Analysis: It is said that Cao Cao broke out in a cold sweat after reading Chen Lin's essay, and his head wind was cured.

Mystery: The Chenqiao Mutiny is suspicious (name the monster in "Journey to the West" with three characters) Answer: Yellow Robe Monster Analysis: In the later Zhou Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin launched the Chenqiao Mutiny. It is said that the cause was that the generals forcibly put the emperor's yellow robe on On him. The answer to the mystery "yellow robe monster" may be interpreted as "the yellow robe added to the body is a bit strange".

Riddle: What did Baqiao give as farewell (name a person from the Spring and Autumn Period) Answer: Liu Xiahui Analysis: Baqiao is located in today's Xi'an City. The ancients had the custom of breaking willows as farewell gifts when seeing off guests; "Hui" is interpreted as a gift. Riddle: The king hid his face but could not be saved (guess an idiom) Answer: Love could not help. Analysis: "The king hid his face but could not be saved. Looking back, blood and tears flowed together."

It comes from "Song of Everlasting Regret", which describes a scene in which Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was threatened by ministers and soldiers in Maweipo after the Anshi Rebellion and was forced to execute Concubine Yang Guifei. Riddle: Who knows the sound of the high mountains and flowing water (name a person from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms") Answer: Zhong Hui Analysis: Legend has it that during the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhong Ziqi became a close friend because he could understand the meaning of Yu Boya's music "as towering as a high mountain, as vast as a river".

标签: Three Kingdoms Confucius Chinese Studies


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