Tianxia 3: Interview With The 2020 National Competitive Competition Champion - Too Virtual To Play

XỔ SỐ VIỆT NAM 2023年12月06日 09:12 28 admin

Congratulations to the Qilu Tianxia server team Gu Fan, Lu Ge, and the gun patrol for winning this year's national competition championship.

The 2020 National Competitive Competition has ended. This reporter immediately invited the competitive competition champion team to share their competitive competition stories.

Xianyu: Congratulations to [Taixu Can’t Play] for winning the championship. Could you please introduce the members?

Gu Fan: Thank you. Among the members, Tianji is cc521 anchor Majin Buu, Taixu is me, Bing Xin is on tour with a gun, Majin Buu is the 4-time door competition champion, the 4-time National 33 champion, and the runner-up of 8V8. She is a cute girl who carries a gun on patrol (the 1w rainbow fart is omitted here).

Xianyu: You can tell by looking at the configuration of the members that this is a very powerful team, but I still want to ask you which team you think is the most difficult to beat, or what is the most difficult configuration to beat?

Majin Buu: We think the most powerful team is the Hundred Flowers Killing Team led by Feng Han, Bai Feifei, and You Lancao, because we think their system is changeable and everyone has 12 professions. Sometimes when we meet them, it is Feng Han. Bing Xin is played by Bing Xin, Male Dragon is played by Bai Feifei, Gui Mo is played by Youlan Cao, and every time they change players in each profession, their playing styles are different.

Xianyu: You were teammates who fought together in 8V8 last year. You should be very familiar with each other. Have you made an appointment to practice together?

Majin Buu: This is not the case. The main reason is that the time when Bai Feifei goes online with a gun is the time for Bai Feifei to rest, so we sometimes encounter Bai Feifei who is sleepwalking. When we beat them in the finals, we thought that Bai Feifei should still be sleeping at that time. We didn't hit her well. If she was conscious, it would be easier to hit us.

Xianyu: Is that so? Then didn’t we miss a wonderful match?

Gu Fan: What do you think?

Xianyu: Have you always used this configuration, or have you chosen several sects and genres?

Gu Fan: The configurations are all random. There are no fixed configurations. You can play whatever you like on a whim. Just like everyone knows Yunlu and Yuqiang, they all play it. We don’t like to play such strong professions, we just like to play the weakest ones, playing whatever is weak, isn’t it too weak? We just love to play!

Xianyu: Is your ideal team configuration the one that will win the championship in the end?

Majin Buu: Our ideal lineup is the combination of self-destruction WL, male dragon, and Bing Xin abandoning healing. This time Majin Buu originally fought with Hundred Blossoms, but because of different work and rest schedules, he switched to Gu Fan. Feel free to beat me, because this Taixu is really unplayable, too stupid, and has been changed to look like a Hanshan Temple monk.

Xianyu: What did the monk of Hanshan Temple do wrong...

Xianyu: Have you ever encountered any interesting opponents? For example, when I was playing with my teammates, I ran into the middle and ran to the middle. No one came to the other side. My teammates thought that the other side was idle, so they ran over. As a result, they were killed as soon as they reached the bridge.

Majin Buu: Then I would like to mention a certain tactician here. I think he pointed the way for us to win the championship. He told us successively that when 8 went into 4 and 4 went into 2, if the opponent team used YJ to play too weak, they could play casually. But in fact, they did not expect that we were not afraid of YJ at all.

Of course, there are many interesting opponents and many tactician masters and operation masters said that they did not have time to play or disdain this kind of competition, and they did not participate for reasons such as lack of quality. It is a pity.

Xianyu: In the end, the configuration of Tianji Taixu Bingxin won, are you surprised? After all, I also saw that Gu Fan made a post at the beginning of JJC saying that Taixu was really weak?

Gu Fan: This is indeed unexpected by everyone, haha. After all, Taixu is really weak. Anyone who has played JJC knows what Taixu is like. Knowing the enemy is a negative. All skills are for resistance, and there are no attacks. Everyone knows that only by blowing a feather in the clouds and Bingxin 7 or 8 in the wind can one be depressed.

Xianyu: We still need some surprises and surprises in life, so is there anything you want to say to your teammates?

Majin Buu: Thank you to my two teammates for sticking with me and for not being dissatisfied with me. Thank you to all the viewers and fans for your support and "taunting" in disguise during the game! I would also like to thank other contestants for their help and relatives and friends for their cheers! I love you so much! Yeah! Finally, I’m here to ask for a marriage for Lu Ge’s account owner. The request is to find a secret, thank you!

标签: Athletics Bing Xin No way Teammates Fighting


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