LOL Yasuo Combo Skills Teaching Guide

XỔ SỐ VIỆT NAM 2023年12月05日 11:28 32 admin

As a very fashionable hero in LOL, Yasuo often attracts people's attention. However, due to the large number of players who do not know how to play this hero, many players are not optimistic about this hero. The editor of Study La will bring it to you below. A complete guide to teaching Yasuo's combo skills in LOL, I hope it will be helpful to you. .

A complete guide to teaching Yasuo’s combo skills in LOL:

A few days ago, a foreign player expressed his opinion on Yasuo, saying that he only used Yasuo to reach the king level, and shared some tips he learned from using Yasuo in 1,000 games.

Combo 1: EQ flash

EQ's moment + flash → Yasuo can use EQ to knock away enemies that flash in the direction of landing.

I believe this is already a widely circulated technique, which is to use flash to change the position of your EQ. In most cases it is used to rush into enemies who are caught off guard.

Principle analysis: Since there is a short casting process after pressing the Q button in the EQ combo, you can use flash to change Yasuo's own position, thereby causing the effect of knocking up many people on the opponent's side.

This is the same as most heroes who can use flash to forcefully change the direction of their skills. As long as the hand speed is fast enough, using flash at the moment during the skill casting process will force the direction of the skill to be changed (heroes such as Prince, Glory, Blind Sin, etc.) The same applies).


Combo 2: Accumulate wind Q to target EQ RQ

This player proposed a new combo method, and the principle of this method is very similar to EQ flash. As we all know, the Q skill takes 1.33 seconds when the CD is full, and the ultimate move has a release animation. Can we use these conditions to improve Yasuo's output efficiency?

Process 1: First accumulate a wind, and use a Q to blow the wind towards the target blind monk. At this time, the number of layers of Yasuo's Q is 0.

Process 2: During the process of receiving the ultimate move with the Q skill, use EQ to attack any nearby non-friendly unit (when the opponent is within the EQ range, directly EQing the target is also a desirable option. In addition, creeps, wild units Monsters and enemy players are all non-friendly units, such as the river crab in the picture below. After the wind blows to the blind monk, Yasuo immediately EQs it to the river crab)

Process 3: Immediately after EQ, use R towards the blind monk. At this time, not only will the Q skill be brought to the target of your ultimate move, but after the ultimate move lands, you only need to connect another Q to accumulate another whirlwind (although the R skill description clearly states that the ultimate move will clear the Q skill Charge, but due to the difference in Q judgment time, this skill allows you to quickly accumulate a second whirlwind after landing)

What's the use?

Perhaps this is the most intuitive question of many players. First of all, compared to directly using the R skill to attack the target that has been knocked up, this combo method can use one more Q skill. Secondly, after the ultimate move animation ends and lands, Yasuo can immediately Using the Q skill again to attack the target is equivalent to accumulating a wind charge instantly, which can quickly add subsequent control.

At the same time, the target of EQ can also be the target of your ultimate move. For example, when casting whirlwind on the blind monk in the picture above, EQ the blind monk at the same time, and then instantly connect to the target. In this way, the blind monk only needs one Q after landing to quickly generate a new one. whirlwind.

In addition to this tip, this player also answered many players’ questions:

Question: Yasuo’s current mainstream talents are Immortality and Warlord’s Bloodthirst, but I see you choose Zeal of War in many games. What are your considerations?

Answer: For most players, I do not recommend the Zeal of War talent. The reason for choosing this talent is that I will choose 29% attack speed in terms of runes, so in extreme cases, I can only use one attack speed/critical hit Equipment and then immediately produce survival equipment, relying on runes and war enthusiasm to ensure mid-term combat effectiveness.

In my opinion, Grasp of the Undying is a very good talent in the early stage, but it has been weakened, and the War Lord's bloodlust should be chosen according to the lineup. When the opponent's burst is very high, you cannot count on bloodstealing to ensure your own survival. .

Question: What is your rank? Who do you think is the most difficult opponent and the best opponent for top laner Yasuo?

Answer: It was Bronze in S3, Platinum in S4, and now I have reached the master level with Yasuo in S5. If you want to talk about the top laner, I think it is useless to fight against the big tree and troll. The better one to fight is the male gun.

Question: Do you think Yasuo is better in the mid lane or in the top lane?

Answer: Mid lane, but since the pre-selection position was opened, I have to choose to use Yasuo more on the top lane, so the previously mentioned attack speed rune + war fervor are also prepared for this.

Question: With so many attack speed runes, aren’t you afraid of your attack speed overflowing?

Answer: As I said before, the attack speed rune + war fervor can guarantee my combat effectiveness in the mid-term even if I only produce one piece of attack speed equipment, so I can free up more economy to produce tank equipment, such as Sunfire, Green Armor, Challenge Gauntlet, etc. In fact, the fighting method is somewhat similar to Tank Ekko.

Question: I think you are a typical "enemy Yasuo". Do you think you are the number one Yasuo in the world now?

Answer: No, although I am the only one who often plays Yasuo in the European server master level or above, as far as I know there are many Yasuo who are better than me in the Chinese/Korean servers.

Question: How big an impact do you think the mid-year mage revamp will have on the mid lane Yasuo?

Answer: Not sure. Currently I am gradually transitioning from the middle to the top. If the mid-lane mage becomes more aggressive, it may be devastating for Yasuo.

Question: How to choose between Phantom Dancer and Electric Knife?

Answer: Phantom Dancer is now better than Electric Knife. When Yasuo is on the top lane, I will definitely choose Phantom Dancer. As the mid laner, if there is pressure to clear the line, I will choose Electric Knife, but this situation is estimated to not exceed 30%.

Question: Have you ever been beaten up? How should you handle the situation after Yasuo explodes?

Answer: I've been beaten up, it's a common thing. However, thanks to my own selection of runes and talents, I will start to transform into a tank route after the first attack speed equipment is formed (sometimes even a yellow cross). Although it is not advisable to build a pure tank Yasuo, I think that choosing a combination of three items + hand guards will allow you to make more contributions to the team. The general idea is not to be quick, but to be a team player. If the battle is not stopped, half-meat warriors can sometimes play a greater role.

Question: Who is the best Yasuo?

Answer: For the top laner, it is difficult for Yasuo to resist, such as Troll, Big Tree, Olaf, and Crocodile. You must try your best to avoid conflicts with them in the early stage. Calling the jungler is the wisest choice.

In the mid lane, the Czar who really knows how to play is very easy to beat Yasuo. In addition, I think Annie and Malzahar are very advantageous against Yasuo.

标签: lol Yasuo Teaching skills Yasuo teaching League of Legends


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