World Of Warcraft: Analysis Of Leveling Talents For Hardcore Mode Warriors, Extra Points For Explosive Talents At Levels 10 To 14

XỔ SỐ VIỆT NAM 2023年12月04日 22:10 34 admin

In the HC hard-core mode of World of Warcraft, how to choose the warrior's upgrade stage talents? Recently, many friends have sent me private messages asking this question, so I decided to make a video to analyze in detail the leveling talents of hardcore mode warriors.

Talent choices vary from person to person. Some people like the explosive talent, slashing left and right, and making iron with an electric fan. Some people like weapon talents. If they don't get a critical hit, the health bar will disappear. Some people like the defensive talent, which is rough-skinned. Thick, the little monster will hit you and tickle you.

This video only analyzes the benefits of talent points during the leveling stage, and does not involve full-level and group-level talents.

How to choose leveling talents? Because it is very difficult to obtain equipment in the hardcore mode, the auction house and mailbox cannot be used in the hardcore mode of the turtle server. The level exceeds level 5 and cannot be traded in non-HC mode. Therefore, many players may need to use the same weapon for more than ten or even twenty levels. For example, Taozi still uses the level 20 gardening task hammer at level 36, so when choosing talents, it is best to decide based on the weapons used. Use whatever talents are available for the weapons.

Generally speaking, choose the weapon talent when using two-handed weapons, and choose the explosive talent when dual-wielding one-handed weapons, but Taozi does not recommend using the deep defense talent.

The defensive talent leveling speed is slower, but among several talents, it has the best effect. When teaming up in a dungeon, defensive talents are more useful, but in hardcore mode, it is best to avoid entering the dungeon because there are too many uncertainties. Although I do not recommend leveling up deep defense talents, I will still share a set of defensive talents suitable for hardcore mode, and another set of wildly explosive talents that take into account defense. A total of 4 sets of talents are for your reference.

Ultimately, the choice comes down to personal preference. Because I use the Explosive Talent to level up, I will share the Explosive Talent points from levels 10 to 14 in this issue.

If the cruelty points in the first row reach 5 points, the critical hit rate can be increased by 5%. In World of Warcraft, critical hit rate is 200% of non-critical hit rate. No matter what kind of talent, it is recommended to give priority to filling up these 5 points, wait until level 40 when you can learn the ultimate talent, then wash the points, and then continue to give priority to filling up it at levels 41 to 45, for a total of 15 to 19 levels.

Full Fury in the second row allows you to gain 1 extra rage point after dealing melee damage. This talent, paired with a quick off-hand weapon, can give you plenty of rage. At level 20, give priority to learning a bit of ear-piercing roar, which can stun enemies around you and reduce their movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds. This skill can be used for control in the dungeon, and can also be used when escaping, which can improve the survival rate. The next 4 points of enhanced battle cry can be transferred to the next row, with a total of levels 25 to 29.

When the fury point in the fourth row is full, this talent is easy to understand. When you receive a critical hit, you will receive a 25% damage increase BUFF, which lasts for 12 seconds and can be effective against melee attacks 12 times, totaling levels 30 to 34. ·1 point of death wish in the fifth row, triggered every 3 minutes, increases physical attack damage by 20% and is immune to fear, but reduces armor and resistance by 20%, lasting 30 seconds, can be bound to common output skills, suitable for single player Used when people practice. If you serve as a MT, it is recommended to cancel this skill and click Dual Weapon Specialization in the fourth row to increase the damage of the off-hand weapon by 20% to level 35.

·When the flurry points in the sixth row are full, the core output talent of violent warfare will increase the speed of the next three melee attacks by 30%. Therefore, stacking high critical hits has the greatest benefit, which is mainly due to the 30% attack speed bonus of this talent.

·The ultimate talent of the seventh row at level 40 is bloodthirsty. It immediately attacks the target, causing damage equal to 40% of the attack power and restoring 50 points of life. This skill is not a core output skill after reaching full level, but is only a filling skill. But in the leveling stage, this skill is very critical. It does not look at the weapon damage, only the attack strength, and has a certain recovery ability.

The points added to the violent talent have now been completed. Next, we will add points to weapon talents from level 41 to level 45. If the deflection points in the first row are full, the chance of parrying will be increased by 5%. Parrying and dodging can reduce damage. Simply put, you have a 5% chance of avoiding damage.

·Parry will increase the speed of the next attack. It is a talent that is both offensive and defensive. No matter what talent you have, it must be full.

·At levels 46 to 50, the second row points 2 points of tactical mastery. Each point of talent increases the anger retained when changing postures by 5 points, and then returns to the first row and points 3 points to strengthen the tear. This talent is an excessive talent, because in order to get the 20% critical hit effect of the piercing talent, this talent must be fully activated.

·The third row of levels 51 to 55 points serious injuries, causing critical hits to cause the target to bleed, causing damage equal to 60% of the average weapon value within 12 seconds. Since the Explosion talent uses dual-wielding weapons and has poor damage effects, this talent is a passing talent.

·When the fourth row of piercing points is full from levels 56 to 59, the critical damage of various skills will be increased by 20%. Due to the high critical hit rate of Furious War, 20% critical hit damage is greatly increased. Finally, return to the second row and fully point Tactical Mastery. Each point will increase your anger by 25 points, so that you will have enough anger to release most skills immediately when changing postures. Finally, click 1 point of anger control to reduce your anger reduction speed by 30% after leaving the battle. To put it simply, it means that your anger will not be exhausted so quickly after you are out of the battle, so that you can still retain a certain amount of anger when you attack monsters next time. Especially in team dungeons, it is very important to release skills as soon as possible to draw hatred. . At this point, you have completed the level 59 task, and the last talent has been obtained at full level. Therefore, it does not have much impact on how to choose talent points. If you make it this far, I wish you all the best and give you a big thumbs up for your role. Congratulations, your character has been elevated to a truly hardcore role.

标签: Talent Rage Leveling Adding Points Warcraft


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