A Summary Of The Strongest Novice Strategy For Zhengtu 2 Mobile Game, Professional Equipment And Mission Skills

XỔ SỐ VIỆT NAM 2023年12月03日 06:10 32 admin

How can a novice quickly play the Zhengtu 2 mobile game? The Zhengtu 2 mobile game has gained a large number of loyal fans with its exquisite painting style and smooth operating experience, but novice players can’t keep up with the big army. Jiuyou Editor Here is a novice guide for the Zhengtu 2 mobile game, which introduces the occupations, equipment and skills in the game in detail, hoping to help players quickly become familiar with this game.

First of all, you need to have an account, download the game in advance and think of a name (this is very important, the name is very resounding). The name has a character limit of 9 in English and 6 in Chinese.

Enter the game and choose a profession. This time I played a warrior (the health care is very good, and the skills are a bit like old Arthur, charging and rotating). The warrior is pure body, and the fighting is very good. At the third level of the fourth skill, I can charge and then slash, and then charge. 1 skill.

Other professions have their own merits. There are all kinds of professions in this test. If you are lazy, just summon them.

Zhengtu Equipment Making Order_Zhengtu Equipment Building Guide_Zhengtu 2 Equipment Guide

1. Main quest: If you keep following the main quest for about half an hour, you will get stuck in the level. If you do some other quests, you will pass. At this time, please pay attention. When pulling a car, the green order and changing cars are standard. Level 40 will have more experience when pulling. Feel free to do other tasks. A full score of 43 will be counted on the first day.

2. Merit: This is easy to come by. A minister and a flag are worth 1000 merit, good luck is 2000, smashing a car is 200, and spying is 100. It is very simple to change the purple outfit every day when you have full merit. After completing the meritorious deeds, there will be a bonus to combat power.

3. Equipment: There are many ways to get equipment, including merit exchange, hanging up, treasure maps, and beating BOSS (this is a lot of trouble, I rarely go there and can’t get it). It will be perfect if you draw gold for 10 times in a row. Two draws is enough. Wearing purple is no problem.

标签: Merit Mobile Games Journey Beginner Charge


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