Tencent Xishanju Teamed Up To Create A National IP, And The Launch Time Of "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" Was Announced

XỔ SỐ VIỆT NAM 2023年11月20日 07:38 25 admin

The mobile game "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song", developed by Xishanju, a well-established domestic game manufacturer, and published by Tencent Games, has entered the final sprint stage. On October 18, Xishanju and Tencent Games held a media visit with the theme "A Jianghu that Understands You" at Tencent Binhai Building in Shenzhen. At the visit, both parties jointly announced that the mobile game "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" is expected to be released on It will be officially launched in the spring of 2019.

The first Unreal 4 mobile game in the "Swordsman" series

The original team of the client team invested over 100 million to create

At the team visit meeting, Liu Xi, executive vice president of Xishanju Beijing and producer of the mobile game "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song", first announced the progress of the game. The game has opened for Android paid file deletion testing and is currently in the process of continuous optimization. " We will strive to achieve the best balance between game performance and performance, polish the gameplay, and present the most perfect Swordsman mobile game to the majority of players."

When talking about the product features of "JX Online 2: Sword Song", Liu Xi said that as a brand-new product inheriting the PC game DNA of "JX Online 2", "JX Online 2: Sword Song" retains the diverse PK mode of the PC game. , rich professional skills. "Only by starting from the core competitiveness of IP can we more effectively expand other advantages."

While continuing the core competitiveness of martial arts in the "Swordsman Love" series, the game will strive to break through the "numerical" and "social-focused" core gameplay of mobile games, allowing players to experience the unique competitive thrill of martial arts mobile games. For example, in terms of game social interaction, "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" changes the bundling behavior of many MMOs. It will not forcibly bind the social relationships of gangs and friends with interests, and fundamentally liberate players from social interaction. The game has built an open economic system that is extremely rare in mobile MMOs, and an economic system with free stalls and point-to-point transactions, making game social interaction more lightweight.

It is worth mentioning that "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" is the first product in the Swordsman series developed using the Unreal 4 engine. With the support of Unreal Engine 4, "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" has reached the top level among similar products in terms of character modeling accuracy and scene delicacy.

Liu Xi said frankly that since the team decided to use the Unreal 4 engine in 2016, it has gone through the process of learning engine technology, team components, and forming a strong next-generation game development team. "During this period, we overcame many technical difficulties, such as extremely horrific crash problems and an astonishing memory ratio. In order to meet the technical standards of Tencent Games, the team optimized for a long time, almost to the limit."

Swordsman Love nostalgic version_Swordsman Love theme song_Old version Swordsman Love

It is reported that Xishanju invested more than 100 million in research and development costs for "Jianxia Romance 2: Sword Song", and it was created by the original team of Jianwang 2 terminal game, including the core members of the producer, chief planner, and chief artist. , each of whom has more than 10 years of experience.

In this regard, industry insiders said that Xishanju’s R&D team has always been stable, and the original team of PC games continue to develop mobile games, which is rare in today’s gaming circle and difficult to match with other products. With a mature and stable R&D team, massive investment, and strong channel support from Tencent Games, "Jiang Xia Yuan 2: Sword Song" has several important factors for success. The performance of the game after its launch is worth looking forward to.

Tencent Games and Xishanju join forces

National martial arts games usher in new opportunities

In 2016, Tencent Games and Xishanju reached an agency cooperation for the first time on "Swordsman Love Mobile Game". The game's revenue exceeded 500 million in the first month of its launch, and it remained in the top 10 of the iOS best-selling list for 11 consecutive months. The victory in the first battle paved the way for subsequent cooperation between Xishanju and Tencent Games.

Liu Xi said that after more than two years of running-in, Tencent Games and Xishanju have formed a very high level of tacit understanding. During this cooperation, Tencent Games gave very practical optimization suggestions in many aspects. Tencent Games’ strict technical standards also allowed Xishanju’s R&D team to strive for greater excellence in the game development process and quickly adapt to the mobile game era. Rhythm.

In October last year, Xishanju and Tencent Games simultaneously released four martial arts mobile game products, including "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song". Industry stakeholders believe that these major cooperation revealed that Tencent Games and Xishanju are trying to focus on " The classic IP "Swordsman Love" has the grand goal of creating the first martial arts IP in China.

Zhao Yi, head of the V1 Product Center of the K7 Cooperation Department of Tencent Games and the release producer of "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song", believes that from 1997 to 2018, Swordsman Love has gone through 21 years, launched 13 products, and accumulated users Counted 160 million. The Swordsman Love brand is already the leader in the martial arts game brand in the Chinese market. Tencent Games is fortunate to be associated with Xishanju in the mobile game era. It will invest sufficient manpower, material and financial resources to make the IP of "Swordsman Love" a classic in the mobile game era. At the same time, we strive to build it into a game brand with international influence.

Based on this, Tencent Games and Xishanju will supplement the content of the Swordsman Love game through various methods and content products, and create a big world of Swordsman Love. These include animation, movies, literature, comics, COS, music and other products that will be launched in the future.

Zhao Yi said that cooperation with Xishanju is an important step for Tencent Games to delve deeper into the martial arts genre, and it is also an important part of Tencent Games’ “New Cultural Creation” strategy. “I believe that the culture and IP of Xishanju and the users and influence of Tencent Games can form a Let’s work together to push domestic martial arts games to new heights.”

Xishanju summons heroes to return

Witness old IP taking on new life

Since its launch in 2005, "Jian Wang 2" has gone through a journey of 13 years. In the past 13 years, Xishanju has not given up updating content and operational activities. Today, "Jian Wang 2" has become a spiritual haven for many old players to reminisce about their youth.

For many old players, the PC game "Jian Wang 2" is a classic in the minds of a generation. In game forums, various nostalgic posts can be seen everywhere. The sentence that appears most frequently is probably: "I can never go back. "

Liu Xi, the main planner of Jian Wang 2, who was often hunted by players in teams in the past, is now back with the mobile game "Jian Xia Love 2: Sword Song", and will start the next game with new and old players. A new era of swordsman mobile games.

During the team visit, Liu Xi said that taking advantage of the release of "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song", Xishanju will work with Tencent Games to summon old players of the Swordsman series to return. At that time, Xishanju and Tencent Games will widely distribute hero posts to communicate with new players. Old players have witnessed the new journey of "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song". According to Liu Xi, the Heroes Conference will be attended by heavyweight guests, recreating the classic scene of the Jianwang Heroes Conference 15 years ago.

It is worth mentioning that as a product that connects the past and the future, "Jian Wang 2" not only connected the development of the JX online version product line, but also contributed greatly to Jinshan during the critical period and even the birth of "Jian Wang 3". It is a masterpiece during the period of Xishanju's transformation into online games.

Now that Xishanju's transformation into mobile games has entered the sprint stage, "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" also shoulders a heavy responsibility. "Swordsman Love Mobile Game" has successfully transformed into a mobile game, "Jianxian Online 3: Fingertip Jianghu" is ready to launch, and the performance of "Swordsman Love 2: Sword Song" is worth looking forward to. "The current domestic game environment is not optimistic. I hope that "Swordsman Romance 2: Sword Song" can become a little starlight in the long night." When talking about his expectations for "Swordsman Romance 2: Sword Song", Liu Xi said.

标签: Love Swordsman Mobile Games Tencent Martial Arts


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