Revealing The Current Arena Position Capture: Seven Major Card Pools, Different Card Pools Will Never Overlap│Hearthstone Pure Dry Goods

XỔ SỐ VIỆT NAM 2023年11月18日 07:20 24 admin

Last week, I released the first part of the results of the reverse engineering of the arena card pool, namely the first phase of the neutral card pool distribution and the paladin card pool distribution (see for details: New version of the arena decryption: Fire Feather Elf and Stegosaurus actually As strong as riding?), the original plan was to complete the cleaning of the card pool of the other eight major professions as soon as possible.

However, I obviously overestimated my liver power, and with the Year of Raven update coming soon, many achievements are about to expire. Therefore, the reverse engineering of the current Arena card pool division has been temporarily suspended. Of course, this period of time is not fruitless, so I will post all the detailed results I have so far later, so that after the Year of the Raven arrives, interested friends can use ready-made resources to clean up more quickly. Develop new card pool division rules.

The following is a pure conclusion. Friends who are interested in the arena may wish to take a closer look:

A large amount of test data has proven that there are currently 7 card pools in the arena card selection stage, including 1 independent legendary card pool and 6 non-legendary card pools.

According to Blizzard, all card pools are divided by "power". Except for the legendary card pool, the other 6 card pools have "closer power" to the individual cards in each card pool. At the same time, every time you draw a card (i.e. "three choices") ""), the three optional cards must come from the same card pool.

6 non-legendary card pools:

There is a most powerful T1 card pool, which only contains 3 neutral creatures: Fire Feather Elf, Bone Nightmare, and Young Dragon. The rest are professional cards; there are two relatively powerful T2 and T3 card pools, both of which are professional cards. They are high-quality single cards, but they do not overlap with each other (the reason is unknown); there is the largest card pool T4, and almost all hot chicken cards are in this card pool (but there are also a very small number of relatively high-quality single cards, such as the hungry two-headed monster) ; There are two special card pools TS1 and TS2 that were only identified after the amount of data gradually increased. Among them, TS1 has more high-quality neutral creatures, including Dark Blue Blade Dragonite, Tar Crawler, Stone Hill Defender, etc. TS2 is mainly professional cards. Currently, only 4 neutral cards have been found: Sea Giant, Amani Berserker, Stoneskin Lizard, and Heidnir Frost Knight.

When you choose cards, how many T1 and T4 cards you can draw is still random. Therefore, at least I only draw 1 T1 card, and at most 8 cards. It can be inferred from this that the difference in the quality of Arena decks is still very large.

From these data, some interesting phenomena can also be found. For example, Blizzard believes that the strength of Paladin's secrets is almost the same, all are T4, but the strength of Mage's secrets and mirror entities is higher than the others, and they are distributed in different card pools. However, due to the time-consuming work of organizing the data, no further analysis of the data has been conducted yet.

Below is a detailed look at the data so far. It’s important to note that this data is still incomplete because the data volume varies greatly by occupation:



Fire Feather Elf, Bone Nightmare, Young Dragon


Vicious Summoner, Silver Squire, Raging Fin Tidehunter, Spellbreaker, Icewind Yeti, Freshwater Crocodile, Walrus Fisherman, Rampant Devilsaur, Werewolf Infiltrator, Lone Hero, Dire Wolf Striker, Twilight Young Dragon, Naga Pirate, Chemistry Monster, Spike the Hog Rider, Nesting Roc, TC130, Mushroom Brewer, Undead Apothecary, Sunwalker, Grakar Crawler, Dragon Slayer, Glacier Splinter


Mechanical Animal Keeper, Shroommancer, Defias Scavenger, Void Tearer, Bloodmarsh Velociraptor, Arrogant Actor, Running Kodo, Earthen Ring Seer, Enthusiastic Bartender, Stormwind Champion, Wounded Sword Saint, Knife Juggler, Stubborn Snail, Cursed Disciple, Murloc Tidehunter, Running Kodo, Acid Swamp Ooze, Criminal Master, Purple Rock Worm, Heavy Mercenary, Violet Teacher, Demolition Squad, Volcanic Dragon, Ruthless Necromancer, Toxic Sewage Ooze, Hog Rider Retheran, Violet Mage


Darkscale Healer, War Golem, Magma Rageer, Reckless Rocketeer, Scroll Dragon, Sideshow Imp, Body Snatcher, Phantom Outlaw, Abomination, Carrion Ghoul, Hozen Healer, Zealous Recruit, Backstreet Wizard, Progenitor Turtle Seer, Snooze Dragon, Stonetusk Boar, Shattered Sun Priest, Cold Light Seer, Nerubian Deconstructor, Ancient Watcher, Avian Keeper, Secret Keeper, Wax Elemental, Kobold Scavenger, Tainted Zealot, Rye Golem, Trogg Bandit, Drakkari Enchanter, Pavilion Mage, Siege Engine, Tauren Warrior, Kung Fu Master, Light Guardian, Bard of Roar, Storm Warden, Cult Apothecary, Bloodsail Pirate, Murloc Killer Crab, Guild Recruiter, Horror Horror, Fierce Scrambler, Dark Whisperer, Lady of Gadgetzan, Sneaking Demon, Dusk Boar, Twilight Summoner, Molten Colossus, Witch Doctor, Kalimor His servants, Stormpike commandos, giant mastodons, dwarf inventors, weak gravediggers, bad pirates, shining horses, saber-tooth stalkers, tomb lurkers, caveman fungi-eaters, giant blades, Silver Herald, Deathrattler, Scarlet Crusader, Arcane Blacksmith, Shadow Fury, Trogg Fungus Eater, Mole of Doom, Murloc Leader, Corrupted Sun Priest, Arcane Golem, Stranglethorn Tiger, Stonefist Eater Human demons, mutated kobolds, blackwater pirates, cursed cult leaders, thunder lizards, blowgun murlocs, elven archers, Senjin shield guards, meat grinders, Goldshire infantry, demon addicts, faceless shambling Hunter, Emerald Reaver, Raid Leader, Snowfin Penguin, Coldlight Sage, Evil Bone Skeleton, Infected Hoarder, Gurubashi Berserker, Nightblade Assassin, Crimson Mana Wyvern, Frostwolf Infantry, Trench Lurker, No Stable Element, Kobold Monk, Corrupted Healing Robot, Backyard Bouncer, Mana Wraith, Imp Summoner, Freeze Crusher, Ogre Mage, Tooth Chest, Sewer Crawler, Leper Gnome, Skydragon, Explosive Abomination, Mushroom Enchanter, Werewolf Trickster, Ancient Tree, Swordsmith, Ironforge Musketeer, N'Zoth's Tentacle, Aberrant Berserker, Fire Elemental, Loot Hoarder, Stormwind Knight, Fel Orc Soul Eater , Mechanical Drake Mechanic, Baby Pterodactyl, Booty Bay Bodyguard, Spellweaver, Stegosaurus, Phantom Pirate, Vrykul Ghoul, Bluegill Warrior, Clockwork Bandit Robot, Wandering Ghast, Bone Drake, Oasis Snapjaw Turtle, Molten Hound, Harbinger of the Old Gods, Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Dread Pirate, Mistbound Furbolg, Angry Chicken, Alien Swarm Scorpion, Mystery Devourer, Midnight Dragon, Old Mage, Barbarian Fish Scout, Seer of Thralmar, Sunfury Protector, Heartbreaker, Earthshattering Tentacle, Deathscale Knight, Green Gel Monster, Ravager Hatchling, Undead Wraith, Mountain Giant, Black Gold Tycoon, Rune Egg, Poison Maker, Quest Master, Sandtooth Trooper, Silithid, Scion of N'Zoth, Hungry Ettin, Devilsaur Egg, Ironmane Grizzly, Razor Hunter, Swamp Crawler, Void Dragon Historian , Bloated Plesiosaur, Frostwolf Overseer, Street Investigator, Seer of Corruption, Deadly Fork, Giant Cyclops, Argus Defender, Giant Wasp, Second-rate Goon, Raging Werewolf, Corpse Caller, Rowdy Robot, Emperor Cobra, Happy Ghoul, Sunfire Val'kyr, Tol'vir Stoneshaper, Knight of the Silver Hand, Grave Shambling, Phantom Outlaw, Aruches Veteran, Gluttonous Ooze, Arcane Anomaly, Corruption Sludge, Treasure Dragon, Imp Summoner, Tiny Summoner, Twisted Werewolf, Alarm Robot, Exploding Abomination, Blood Worm, Aberrant Dragonhawk, Giant Cyclops, Argus Defender, Shining Mushroom, Cupboard Spider, Brave journalists


Indigo Blade Dragonite, Nerubian Seer, Despicable Eggstealer, Passage Crawler, Stonehill Defender, Wild Pyromancer, Hard-shelled Beetle, Poison Swamp Crawler, Wailing Banshee, Dark Iron Dwarf, Saron Prisoner, Argent Commander, Crazy Bombardier, Mild Shell Dragon, Passionate Explorer, Tar Crawler, Bloodsail Raider


Sea Giant, Amani Berserker, Stoneskin Lizard, Hydnir Frost Knight



Argent Guardian, Battle Call, Devotion, Dirty Hand Street Guardian, Aldo Guard, Spinach Knife, Sword Dragon Riding, Great Sword, Unidentified Mace, Lost in the Jungle, Gigantism, Selfless Heroes, Assembled Blade, King's Blessing


Dirty Hands Street Punisher, Potion of Valor, Sword of Justice, Silvermoon City Portal, Dirty Hands Street Supplier, Punishing Evil and Eliminating Evil, All Are Equal, Light Forged Sword Dragon


Warden of the Wadi, Walrus Enforcer, Hammer of Wrath, Windstrider, Ivory Knight, Darkscale Raider


Lay on Hands, Dark Dawn, Level Up, Holy Wrath, Arrogant Crusader, Blessing of Wisdom, Noble Sacrifice, Smuggler of Dirty Hands, Blessing of Strength, Three Religions, Gentle Djinn, Hand of Protection, Roaring Commander, Strength Blessing, Survival of the Fittest, Minor Spell Pearl, Holy Light, Repentance, Blessed Champion, Avenging Wrath, Divine Power, Dark Judgment, Humility, Cold Blade Champion, Eye for an Eye, Tactical Evacuation, Fight to the Death, Hand of Salvation, Divine Favor, Redemption, Dirty Hand Street Intelligencer


Night Town Law Enforcement Officer, Evil Fin Judge


Justice of the Light, Hydrologist, Crystal Lion

9.0 Energy Runes and Spell Torrents_World of Warcraft Mirror Spells Energy Runes_World of Warcraft Spells Torrents and Energy Runes



Polymorph, Occultist, Firestorm, Fireball, Mana Dragon, Kirin Tor Mage, Weave Controller, Meteor, Firelands Portal


Dragon's Wrath, Explosive Rune, Living Storm, Volcano Potion, Dark Gold Cult Messenger


Zealous Soul Forger, Ice Dragon Breath, Mirror Entity, Transfiguration:? ? ?


Frozen Tome, Small Spell Ruby, Magic Explosion, Freezing Potion, Frost Nova, Darkgold Acolyte, Darkgold Alchemist, Doomsday Apprentice, Spell Resonance, Arcane Craftsman, Arcane Wisdom, Servant of Yogg-Saron , Ethereal Arcanist, Mirror Image, Lava Mirror Image, Dark Gold Crystal Maiden, Howling Wind Wizard, Counter Spell, Howling Wind Wizard, Spell Disruption


Sorcerer's Apprentice, Crow Servant, Ghost Wizard, Twilight Flame Summoner, Flame Spurt


Blizzard, Ice Bolt, Cold Ghost, Whispering Grimoire, Pyroblast, Steam Surge, Medivh's Manservant, Water Elemental



Poison soaked weapons, sap, bone-piercing (due to limited data, the above 3 have not been verified)


Jade Dart, Fan of Knives, Bone Tycoon, Deadly Poison, Blade of Destruction, Smoke Bomb, Elf Chanter, Illusion


Shadow Spellcaster, Shadow Master, Minor Spell Obsidian


Maneater, Master of Disguise, Blade Flurry, Jade Rogue, Waiting for Opportunity, Jade Lotus Agent, Assassin's Blade, Cold Blood, Poison Blade, Runeforged Haunter, Shadow Step, Bone Dice of Destiny, Jade Spirit, Vampiric Ointment, Kobold Illusionist, Fake Death, Mimic Pods, Obsidian Shards, Shadow Fury, Gadgetzan Ferryman, Abyss Adventure


Chrysanthemum Tea, Shadow Blade, Jade Lotus Gang Assassin


Ethereal Merchant, Undercity Merchant, Blade Lasher, Assassin



Obsidian Statue, Mana Crystal, Mind Control, Holy Nova, Shadow Word: Death, Power Word: Shield, Amber Escape, Northshire Priest


Unidentified potion, Night Town Alchemist, Dark Gold Cult Messenger


Soul Flay, Holy Fire, Shadow Word: Pain, Holy Smite, Shapeshifting


Illusion Maker, Son of Radiance, Grasp of Shadow, Darkgold Alchemist, Gilded Gargoyle, Circle of Healing, Linked Healing, Shadow Word: Terror, Mindsteal, Greater Healing Potion, Dark Embrace, Psychic Sneaking , Eternal Servitude, Dark Gold Alchemist, Silence, Mass Dispel, Shrinking Potion, Devouring Will, Small Spell Diamond, Twilight Summoning, Power Word: Touch


Generous, Onyx Bishop, Templar Executor, Curious Yingroot, Auchenai Soul Priest, Crystal Seer, Shadow Madness, Banquet Priest, Light Elemental

TS2: None yet

World of Warcraft Mirror Spells Energy Runes_World of Warcraft Spells Torrents and Energy Runes_9.0 Energy Runes A torrent of literature and spells



Ancestor Turtle Raider, Sweeping Magic Crow, Mark of the Jade Lotus, Ancient Tree of War, Spread the Plague, Swarm Druid


Grizzly Guardian, Green Long-necked Dragon, Starfire, Ironwood Golem, Starfall


Fork in the Road, Nature's Warrior, Aged Long-necked Dragon, Hard-shelled Scavenger, Spider Web, Sky Dreamer, Moonglade Portal, Rabbit Demon Leader


Iron Teeth, Bronze Teeth, Growth Spores, Guardian of the Jungle, Nourishment, Power of Nature, Healing Touch, Wrath of the Wild

TS1: None yet


Mark of Y'Shaarj



Gorehowler, Riot Berserker, Molten Guard, N'Zoth's Lieutenant, Arathi Weaponsmith (the above 5 have not been verified due to limited data)


Soul Furnace, Tar Beast King


Unidentified shield, fatal blow, furious Direhorn, baby Direhorn,


Killer, Iron Blade Gauntlet, Reckless Storm, Cleave, Lava Blade, Heroic Strike, Brass Finger Tiger, Dirty Street Agent, Upgrade, Domineering


Dirty Hand Street Pawnbroker, Bloodhoof Warrior


Fiery axe, Kor'kron elite guard, harsh overseer



Fire element, Maelstrom Portal, Twilight Hammer (due to limited data, the above 3 have not been verified), Fire Tongue Totem, Jade Claw


Wild wolf soul, hot spring guard,


Doomhammer, Earth Shock, Shroommancer, Bloodthirsty


Kobold Hermit, Jade Lotus Gang Agent, Ghost Claw, Avalanche, Ancestral Soul, Petrified Weapon, Tide Surge, Frost Shock, Air Elemental, Fire Feather Vanguard


Jinyu Waterspeaker, Mutation, Lightning Bolt, Unstable Mutation, Thunderforged Battle Ax


lightning storm, hex

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